Ways to Support

Become a Member.

If you are regularly attending Abbeya Foundation’s events and weekly gatherings, please consider becoming a contributing member. With your financial help, we can continue to offer opportunities to maintain a growing community of meditation practitioners in Bemidji and online. You can find out more about Member Benefits at: abbeya.org/donate

Seasonal CSA Donation.

If you are interested in making a one-time or weekly donation to support our small farm, please consider becoming a seasonal member. With your financial help, we can continue to offer opportunities to maintain our community farm and provide fresh produce for community members in Bemidij, MN. You can find out more about the CSA program at: abbeya.org/csa


Consider volunteering at one of our events or weekly gatherings. Volunteering opportunities are a part of our practice in serving the community to foster harmony in our lives and others. Volunteer opportunities coming soon.